Begin Again


As 2021 comes to a close, are you taking time for reflection? Last year I created a personal mission statement: To be authentically audacious in consistent persistent actions as I become who God intended. It is a constant work in progress. Some days I do better than others, but I will continue to seek becoming my best self in 2022. While we may focus on building again because the calendar flips, EVERY day is a day to begin again.

And you asked me what I want this year
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we’ll find better days
‘Cause I don’t need boxes wrapped in strings
And designer love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we’ll find better days

CIT Signature Transportation

Family Vacation

Our family is headed to the Cheez-It Bowl. As our family business grows in family members working the business, we strategically plan our vacation to have minimal impact on our clients. December 25-January 1 is a great time for us to travel together, and when you can watch the Cyclones WIN a bowl game…even better. If you have been putting off contacting us for your transportation, get it in NOW…..or consider waiting until January. Thank you!

New Bus?

What is this strange number on our Bus Tracking Map? Hmmmm

Could it be a NEW bus is coming home??

YES – that is what it could be. While our family of 7 will snuggly fit in our Expedition on the way to FL, we will split up and some of us will travel home in style in our new motorcoach.

With the uncertainty of CERTS becoming tax free, we chose to build our fleet better for you, taking a tax deduction, rather than giving it back.

Our Son, Jeremiah, is Joining the Team

Jeremiah is our 2nd son to join our team. He has been our primary bus cleaner and will now pick up some customer care coordinator duties. I am attending ABA Marketplace from January 6-12. This is where I grow in education, networking, and leadership. Jeremiah will be here to meet your transportation needs.


Survey Completion

THANK YOU for completing our surveys. A good return rate is 15%. 23% of you let us know how we did in November. Thank you! Your feedback is how we begin again and build the company that fulfills our mission statement: To be an enhancement to the people, places, events and activities our clients graciously invite us to participate in.

In the News

We have many female drivers. While trucks haul packages and freight, we haul YOU! Do you know anyone that would love a great #viewfromtheoffice? Send her our way!

Driver Shortage Pushes Need for Training

Are you contemplating a change in career? You are not alone. I never dreamed this would be my career. Yet, here I am. Maybe joining us is how you can begin again.

A fun new video from the State Tourism Office. When you drive our groups, you never know what you will see. Discover our state in a whole new way. Discover it all from the road.

This Is Iowa Promo


CERTS: Advocacy continues.

We are grateful to have 100% of all elected officials in the Senate and House support the removal of the taxation clause to the grant monies we received. Essentially, the taxation would result in over 30% of the funds being returned. (Or, in our choice to begin again and purchase a new bus.) We did need to make our decisions about our purchase before the outcome of this advocacy is known. You do what you can with the information you KNOW…not think you know.


As 2021 comes to a close, reflect on your growth and look ahead to 2022 with excited anticipation. Today is always a good day to begin again. I look forward to beginning again with you!

Blessing to all!

Kim Grzywacz

CALL 515-233-0286


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