Be Strong (even if you scream)


Yes, I am strong. Yes, I scream. These are not mutually exclusive.

Pictured are our transit buses. These buses were GREAT for in-town shuttles. They are ADA-Accessible and have dual doors for quick unloading. The signs can announce your event. Pictured we are ready for Special Olympics Summer Games. 

In thinking about this newsletter I thought I would create an acronym for SCREAM. Then I heard the song Strong by Anne Wilson and it hit home. 

Strong, try to make ’em all think I’m strong
Yeah, the face I keep putting on says I ain’t tired

I hit my knees with my hands held high
Saying, dear Lord Jesus, you know I can’t do this on my own

Usually, the scream happens before I lift my eyes up. Before I forget to Breathe. Before I remember to pray. The scream does release my frustration, makes me breathe, and gives me a reset to keep on going. 

Why am I feeling this way? Well, I am very task-oriented. Lately, I am not getting my tasks done in the timeframe I think they should be done. Please note, I am fully aware these pressures are self-induced. It is only mildly comforting. LOL 

But, let me share with you what has kept us running on all cylinders and how we are succeeding as I push back a few project timelines. (Like this newsletter.)

CIT Signature Transportation

Changes Coming!

I had hoped to launch our new website at the end of May. Alas, it looks like it will be July as I have pushed back the approvals I must give on each page. Below is a sneak peek of our home page. I am so excited!


I spent a morning with the Des Moines Golden Kiwanis Club recently. It was a pleasure to share about our company. If you are part of a club or organization that welcomes speakers, I would be happy to tell our story. (This is NOT a sales pitch for services. I discuss our history and about the motorcoach industry.)

Saucon Driver Performance

Our team knocked it out of the park from May 16th to June 2nd. Our drivers, in particular, scored between 91-94% on their driver performance score and no one scored under 80%. We keep track of items such as speed, hard braking, idle time, etc… This was the best reporting period to date. 🙂


iTIP held its annual Summer Celebration in Sioux City, IA. Miniature golf was a fun activity the day before the meeting. Jeremiah and his partner, Wes Eherke, won!

We were honored to receive the Service Excellence Award – Large Market last week at iTiP’s Summer Celebration. Kevin Bourke, President and CEO of Discover Ames, nominated our company.

For us, this notice came as we prepared for 3 large events that took a year to plan. We provided the shuttles for Special Olympics, airport and hotel shuttles for Odyssey of the Mind, and volunteer/spectator shuttles for the Principal Charity Classic. These events began on May 16th and concluded on June 2nd. The average work day was 14 hours, with one 33-hour day. (Yes, when you begin at 6:00 a.m. on Friday and have continuous service until 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, it makes for a 33-hour day.) Being presented with the award on June 11th was an exclamation point to jobs well done by our entire team.

Present for the awards ceremony were John and Kim Grzywacz and our sons, Jeremy and Jeremiah. We look forward to the continued successful service of our 2nd Generation. 

In the News

Fuel: Sigh. Yo-yoing continues. Diesel Gas Prices to Rise July 1 in Five States


I’m strong when I’ve got nothing
I’m strong even when I’m weak
‘Cause the strong arms of my Savior
Are holding on to me

How are you being strong today? this week? this month? Are you eating the elephant one bit at a time? How can I assist you through the process? Drop me a line and let’s get transportation taken off your to-do list.


Kim Grzywacz

Call 515-233-0286

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