Eye of the Tiger


I am sensing a theme. The 80’s run deep through my veins. First it was hair bands, then a t.v. show, now a movie. I am inspired just before I begin composing, so while I would like to think I will leave the 80’s for July’s newsletter, I won’t guarantee it. Anyone up for a wager?


Risin’ up, straight to the top
Had the guts, got the glory
Went the distance, now I’m not gonna stop
Just a man and his will to survive

The motorcoaches rolling for awareness was truly a sight to behold – even from my kitchen on social media. All 50 states represented, creating 8 miles of motorcoaches into our nation’s capital. Our good friend, Michelle Petelicki, from Panorama Tours in NJ, was a wonderful commentator calling out each bus company as they rolled by. 3 hours I watched. I did share her watch party to our Facebook page. Scroll to May 13th and watch someone with passion for our industry rock it.


John Grzywacz traveled to OH to meet up with David James at BRT Charter Services. They are part of our trusted friend network. David drove his bus to D.C. with John as his only passenger. Our logo was proudly displayed in the window.

The midwest group received a police escort out of OH. You can see a great video of the escort by clicking the buttons below.


WHO-13 TV Showcase

It’s a Convoy

The final effect of this rally is yet to be seen. I can tell you it did generate some national attention. Check out the buttons to the right.

And, when a planner of events takes his 5 minutes to speak about how he needs the motorcoach industry to provide his services, our need to survive is heard.

USA Today – Iowa’s Windstar is quoted

National Defense Transportation Association thanks the industry for their partnership

Vice President Pence – an industry partner takes his 5 minutes to advocate for the motorcoach industry

It is not too late for you to take your 5 minutes and advocate for the motorcoach industry. Every time John and I speak with one of our elected officials, they tell us they need to hear more stories. They WANT to hear more. We have had a minimum of 2 voice conversations with every elected official except Congresswoman Axne’s office. Help from her district would be greatly appreciated.

Do not know where to start? I am in the process of writing a series for the American Bus Association on how to sell to our elected officials. See the buttons below. (This information is good even if you need to advocate for your own business.)

Time to “Sell” To Your Elected Officials

Tell Your Story to “Sell” To Your Elected Officials

Face to face, out in the heat
Hangin’ tough, stayin’ hungry

We still continue to research and implement the best practices we find to hang tough. We understand that not all groups will have the same social spacing needs. Please see what John Grzywacz has to say about social awareness in this video he created for our employees.

Enhanced Protocols for Virus Mitigation

It’s the eye of the tiger, it’s the thrill of the fight
Risin’ up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
And he’s watchin’ us all with the eye of the tiger

Our drivers have been completing online training through the MCI Academy. Dan Ankebrant and Tim Holmes shared their Master Motorcoach Operator Certificates with me. WAY TO GO!

Risin’ up, back on the street
Did my time, took my chances
Went the distance, now I’m back on my feet
Just a man and his will to survive

I hope you are surviving mentally and physically. Call me if you want to chat – or get a quote. I’ll be here, moving forward.

Kim Grzywacz

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