Great Experiences Require Flexibility


It may seem DRAMAtic, but reality is our industry will not be the grove of trees that existed before March 2020. Without group travel shining down giving us the needed nutrients to thrive, we had to shrink, conserve energy, and lay dormant. Growing back into that mighty forest will take time. We are more than seedlings, but not ready to provide the same shade you had from us in the past.

What does this mean? As stated in my video it means together we need to be flexible. Send me your desired transportation dates/times. I will let you know if I can meet your desires as requested. If I can, book quickly. The rate of change for availability makes my head spin. If we can’t, let’s look at how we can be flexible. Can we 1) find new dates/times 2) become efficient with fewer buses by creating a shuttle schedule 3) use a different type of vehicle

Working together with flexibility we will have successful experiences.

CIT Signature Transportation


The BOTL logo is still displayed on Bus 136 (pictured above). Recently, this bus traveled to Washington D.C. and Colorado, raising awareness wherever it rolls.

Our staff is trained to look for the signs. Unfortunately, trafficked victims may not even leave their homes/neighborhoods. In Iowa, the crossroads of I35 and I80 are unfortunate conduits to trafficking. Being aware is how we can make a difference and save victims.

United Against Slavery Partners

Jefferson Lines is not the only motorcoach company participating in this survey. We are, too. See a full list of corporate partners using these links.

Jefferson Lines Participates in United Against Slavery “National Outreach Survey for Transportation” Project

In the News

CERTS Act Update:

On July 19th the portal for applications closed. We have received email communication that our application was approved and is being processed. No one knows what this means. How many applied? What formula are they using to distribute the funds? Of the 3 entities, how much is being used for motorcoach?

By attending the meetings with the Treasury, I know they want to do their best. They are in a hard spot. The need in the industry is far greater than what Congress passed for them to distribute. The amounts granted will help us grow back to the mighty oak, but it won’t be the magic needed to make us like we were with a wave of a wand.

Other Updates:

The first few articles will have a direct impact on the rates you previously had when chartering a motorcoach. Expenses are up, including driver compensation.

Marketing: Is it me?

The Great Resignation

As we seek more employees, we try not to wonder – is it me? We understand our employees had to seek other opportunities during the last 1 1/2 yrs. I was blessed to have 2 separate conversations with former employees recently. They enjoyed their employment here, but life took them down a different journey. We wish them well. And, this leaves a spot open for _____________. Is it you???? The #viewfromtheoffice is grand!

Diesel Rises

PA Turnpike Increases Tolls

US Extends Mexico, Canada border…Aug. 21

ABA Statement on the Infrastructure Bill

UN says international tourism won’t rebound until 2023

Get ready for great experiences through flexibility. Get me those quotes today! And, let me know if having an office with a changing view rolling down the road is for you. I’ll get you connected!

Kim Grzywacz

CALL 515-233-0286


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