Perfect is the Enemy of Good - CIT Signature Transportation
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Perfection is the Enemy of Good

Perfection is the Enemy of Good

How many times have you let perfection get in the way of production? There is a time for perfection, and a time when good is best. Even knowing this was my topic this month, I still prepped for perfect as I got ready to record the below video.

80-20 Rule: 20% of our energy is spent completing 80% of a task. The last 20% of that task takes 80% of our energy. So, when you are hitting that “brick wall” looking for perfection, take a deep breath and evaluate. Is perfection required or is good and done better?

Failure is a part of the process. I hate failure about as much as I hate change. Yet, here we go again. If I don’t fail, how do I learn to become better? I want to be better, so I must change. I must accept my failures and grow.

We have just wrapped up successful seasons for many of our athletes. Being led out of town in a parade with athletes on board having punched their tickets to state brings us great joy. Most athletes I know are constant seekers of perfection, learning from their failures. (As a wrestling mom, how do you learn to fight off your back? By being on your back…..)
Every week I send out a customer survey to our clients from the past week. We use this data company wide to meet expectations and improve. Thank you for taking the time to fill out our survey. Your experience matters to us!
Shout out to our Veteran employees: Dan Ankebrant, Gary Bryant, Stuart Burgher, Kyle Edmonds, and StephAnne Stacey. Thank you for your service to our country and our clients.

In the News:

While these articles discuss the need in the trucking industry, the need exists across all CDL required jobs. We have hired ISU Ag students in the past. These drivers have been around big, expensive equipment their entire lives. We love having them drive for us, but currently, you cannot leave the state until you are 21. Changing this would be beneficial to getting drivers behind our wheel sooner and looking at being a driver as a career option exiting high school.

Has booking a motorcoach been perfection this fall? Not as perfect as the industry would like. For the first time in 11 years, I have a waiting list of clients needing group transportation. Stories like the one below are heartbreaking and inspiring. This industry pulls together like any small town (there are less than 3,000 companies nationwide) to do what we can to help.

The above school had used a bus broker to book their buses. While brokers have a long list of motorcoach operators they work with, they do not own any of their own buses or employ drivers. I encourage you to work with a company directly. How do you know if it is a broker? The pictures of their buses will be generically white with no logos and they will state that they have buses everywhere.

Motorcoaches are the GREENEST form of passenger transportation. We have our work cut out for us in educating the public about the efficiencies and greenness we bring to the table.

CERTS: We were so grateful to have the CERTS Act passed and receive funding. It was good, but not perfect. We are now fighting to have the taxability of this act reversed. Other industries’ grants (ie venues, restaurants) were tax free. 100% of Iowa House Representatives signed a letter in support of this update. Senator Grassley is leading the charge in the Senate. Please take 30 seconds and click the link below to let your senators know you support this update. Thank you!

I am thankful for so many things in my life, very few of them perfect. I look forward to doing my best for you as the year ends. Thank you for working with me. I honor our partnership.

Kim Grzywacz

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