Why Businesses Should Use Motorcoach Travel


Motorcoach travel may have existed in your past as a high school student on a band or choir trip leaving Iowa. Maybe it is your child that is raising funds to have that experience of a lifetime. But, have you ever thought how it can ease your business life and make a great experience for your current “class” within the state?

Here are my top 3 reasons:

Network with your clients.

Example: head to a game at Principal Park. Pick up your clients, enjoy a beverage or two, enjoy the game, and let your clients know you appreciate their business.

Say thank you to your employees.

While the annual Christmas party may come to mind (and we can provide the designated driver and vehicle), think bigger. How about a shopping trip to the Outlets of Des Moines? Coupons for discounts, lunch together, and head home with Christmas shopping checked off the list. They get to celebrate with the company while taking tasks off their home “to-do” list.

Tapped out the current employee market?

Need to expand into another territory? Motorcoaches can provide an employee shuttle from one community to your business location. Employees can work on the way to and from using WiFi. Need to have them watch a safety/sales video? There are DVD players on every motorcoach. Maybe it isn’t a daily shuttle, but just getting your employees in location A together with location B for a site visit.

Advantages to group travel in general:

  • Green: Choosing motorcoach travel over driving alone reduces CO2 emissions by an average of 85%.
  • Safe: On our nation’s highways there are over 40,000 fatalities annually. Motorcoach travel accounts for less than 20 of those.. That is 0 .0005%.
  • Economy: Every motorcoach on the road contributes 3.5 jobs to the market. Motorcoaches save travelers $544 million annually by alleviating congestion on the roadways and adding productivity to the workforce.

According to the Business Record’s article “Iowa’s New Buzz” “64% of poll respondents who had considered moving at all after visiting a place had seriously considered the move.” Imagine if your pool of applicants came as a group from another state and you showed them around our great state on a motorcoach or minicoach? Or imagine an increase in group tours to our great state that would entice passengers to seek employment here…….On that note, my passion for group travel and the state of Iowa will need to wait for another time and/or article.

Check out our various fleet options at www.citbus.com or give one of our customer care coordinators a call at 515-233-0286 to discuss how CIT Signature Transportation can enhance your business.

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