Return to Better


What? No songs? I know, I know. Nothing has been “speaking” to me lately. However, one phrase does keep coming back. We do not need a “return to normal”. We need a “return to better.” Normal is like the status quo, which is fine while you are in it, but to grow, you need to change. What an amazing time we are in where we can change and “return to better.”

In this video from November I discuss changes that are coming to Iowa Tourism organizations. However, the theme is appropriate. If we want to grow, we must change. (Even if we don’t like it.)

I have been blessed to be a part of Women in Buses, a council of the American Bus Association, since it’s first official meeting 9 years ago. Surrounding yourself with women that do not let the grass grow under their feet is invigorating.

I became a part of the leadership team as the membership chair. Next, I became the chair. As I finish my term as past chair, I am wondering what is next. I will always participate, but it is time for new leadership to keep the council moving forward. I look forward to watching them “return to better” again and again and again.

Learn more about our 10 year journey by watching the video above or reading the article below. Many of my mentors are featured…and, yes, yours truly gives my two cents.

National Bus Trader: Women In Buses 10th Anniversary

In the News

CERTS Act Update:

$2 billion dollars was included as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act. However, as a new program, the rules need to be set and details made. As I type today, Pete Buttigieg is being confirmed as the Transportation Secretary. On January 25th, Janet Yellen was confirmed as the Treasury Secretary. Both positions did need to be in place before the CERTS Act could be prepared.

We do continue to send messages to our representatives to keep moving forward. We cannot be forgotten at the “kids’ table” now that we finally have our serving. We will also be pushing for our next round. When you take $2 billion dollars and divide it among 3,000 companies (plus school bus companies and a few other entities) all needing relief the amount is $666, 666.66. Yes, the devil will be in the details.

Executive Order:

Per President Biden’s executive order, masks are required on public transportation. While CIT Signature Transportation is a private company without any public transportation services, we do ask that you and your group wear a mask. We all want to “return to better”. Thank you for your cooperation.

TSA Memorandum on Security Directive

Enhanced Protocols for Virus Mitigation

I am learning our new phone system bit by bit. I do really like the feature of receiving an email when a voice message is left. Now, sometimes that text is not very accurate, but it does let me know you are needing a return call. Thank you for leaving those messages when you need to speak to me and I am unable to answer your call.

Let’s all commit to a return to better. Give me a call, let me know how you are moving forward – better.

Kim Grzywacz, CTIS

CALL 515-233-0286


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