Hope is Here – because we were – Born to Win



New year and new songs! Well, Hope Is Here is new. Born to Win is from 2016. You know how you can see or listen to something several times, but then all of a sudden you SEE it or really HEAR it? That is the case with these 2 songs for me. At a time when I needed some hope, I heard it in the first song. Then, when I was needing to feel powerful, Born to Win hit my ears as if for the first time. While it is technically a new year, a magic wand was not waved to make the ugly of 2020 disappear. It is still here, but I continue to focus on the shining stars, doing my best to not let the ugly get in my way. I hope you are finding the same strength.

You were born to fly
You were made with wings
You were born to cry
So that you could learn to breath
Always be the man
And the child within
You were born to win

I live in a GREAT state. Iowa has so much to offer. I belong to the Iowa Group Travel Association board of directors. We asked our members to submit a video showcasing their “wings”. Then, it was put together in an amazing 5 night/6 day virtual familiarization tour of Iowa. And, of course, this journey was taken on one of our luxury motorcoaches. I was proud to play “host”. Iowa was born to win, and I am proud to share all we have to offer.

The video above is from Day One. You can click on the link and see all 6 days. (I begin at :33, and our beautiful motorcoach video is just after it.) You may just find yourself finding the child within and planning your trip. See the entire tour by clicking below.

2020 IGTA Virtual FAM-Tour

You’re not alone
We’ve been here before
On giant shoulders, tall you stand
All is that you need
All is that you have
When you fit right in my hand

Last month I shared becoming a Story County Test Iowa Clinic. Our industry picked up our story and shared it nationwide. We are standing tall on these giant shoulders.

Bus and Motorcoach News Article

We have all we need and are proud this fits into our hand so we can crush what devastates.

You were born to walk
So that you could run
You were born to fall
So that you could stand up strong
Sometimes you gotta bleed
So you can feel your skin
You were born to win

I was never in the “popular” crowd in high school and did not experience the things that go along with it. Now, as an adult, I am once again not in the “popular” crowd. The Airlines/Amtrak/Public Transit seem to have that area of the lunchroom covered, while the motorcoach industry quietly sits over in the corner, taking care of the business the others do not.

Where am I going with this? Last month I told you we were finally invited to the party of economic relief. What a roller coaster ride it was. Invited – door still shut. Door opens – but we can only watch. Invited to the table – only to be offered the leftover crumbs. Then, those crumbs taken away, too. BUT, in the end, our $10 billion dollar ask ended with $2 billion included in the Consolidated Appropriations Act. Others are having their 2nd helping, but we finally get to have a serving.

We do not know exactly what this loan will look like at this time. Thank you to all of you that fought with us. Our collective voices WERE heard. We WILL continue to fight. Afterall, we were Born to Win.

To start the new year, John and I are building relationships with our elected officials. We continue our conversations with Senator Ernst, Senator Grassley, and Congresswoman Axne. We have had a conversation with Congressman Feenstra. We look forward to connecting with Congresswoman Hinson and Congresswoman Miller-Meeks. They are here to serve us, and we will do what we can to give them the information they need when making decisions about our industry.

Make Introductions and “Sell” to Your Elected Officials

We do not have any updates to our mitigation protocols. I do like to keep this link handy for you.

Enhanced Protocols for Virus Mitigation

You were born to win. You are not alone. So, let’s stand up strong, have a conversation, maybe even book a trip or two. The world is waiting. Give me a call.

Kim Grzywacz

CALL 515-233-0286

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