Moving Forward


Still Moving Forward

I’m back to Rocky. Well, ok, I never really abandoned his wisdom. It just means more with each passing day. I think we are at the Rocky V stage. He has just returned from Russia to discover his accountant took off with all of his funds. Our “accountant” is COVID and we are still waiting for action in D.C. to include our industry in a relief package. So, what have we been doing to move forward and be ready for the “fight” when group travel begins? See below:

We love having the C-IT now capability. Using this portal has allowed you to track the bus. This is very handy for parents waiting for their child to return so they can take them home.

Right now, this service is not available. We turned off our WiFi service as one monthly saving expense. When we did this, we also lost the tracking capability.

I miss tracking our buses, too! So, when travel returns, this will be one of the first features we bring back.

HINT: My son recently used his Google mapping app to screenshot his location and send it to me. What a great “cheat” for knowing where you are on the bus. I was lucky – he did respond to me. I know some parents aren’t as fortunate. LOL

We had 3 locations. Ames (the original), Iowa City, and Des Moines. In May, we did close our Iowa City location. Our contracts there had ended, with the shut down we were seeing from COVID, this was a logical decision. No more rent, utilities, etc…

This month, we will winterize the Ames location. Exactly how this will look is evolving. With change, opportunity can come. The original plan is for Kim to work from home, John in Des Moines. The rest of the staff, when needed, would also go to Des Moines. I say original, because…opportunity to come – keep your fingers crossed.

We have already moved our fleet to Des Moines for dispatching. While our Ames location may look quiet, we will still be active behind the scenes, moving forward.

As stated, we did move fleet to Des Moines already. The fleet remaining in Ames is not being utilized. When it came time to register our vehicles, we decided to take the fleet already sitting and make it semi-permanent. If trips would return tomorrow, we can get our registrations done quickly and add our buses back into action.

The Iowa Department of Transportation needed to fulfill their inspection quotas. They called and asked if they could come and inspect our buses. YES! We welcome the opportunity to have our fleet inspected. We received a clean bill of health. The shop continues to maintain our fleet. This is NOT an area we cut – ever. We will be ready to roll when you are!

With this being election week, I have a special request. Contact our elected officials, offer your congratulations, or well wishes, and tell them we still need ACTION on the CERTS Act for the motorcoach industry to move forward. (Predictions have a minimum of 40% of motorcoach companies to not make it to 2021. ) Let them know how valuable we are to your transportation needs. There is still time before the new crew takes office and we start from the beginning.

I’ll include the articles I wrote this summer in case you want to “spice” up this communication.

Time to “Sell” To Your Elected Officials

Tell Your Story to “Sell” To Your Elected Officials

We do not have any updates to our mitigation protocols. I do like to keep this link handy for you.

Enhanced Protocols for Virus Mitigation

We would like to THANK the schools and the Iowa High School Athletic Association for moving forward and having successful learning and activities take place. One of my greatest joys is sending a team full of athletes to state competitions. They work so hard and deserve luxury transportation to get to their events. Because of their success, we have had success and get to extend our road to a full “recovery” as a business.

And, because I am a mom PROUD of her son’s accomplishments this year on (and off) the field, I share this video I created. In this last game against Lewis Central, Ballard came up against a tough opponent that happened to have the #1 recruit in the nation. Jeremiah #50, is a linebacker. He recorded 19 tackles, 15 solo, in this game. Defense was on the field the majority of the game. Yet, he kept getting the hits, kept running on the field, kept stopping their plays. His team did their job, so he could do his.

This is a great metaphor for CIT. COVID may be the #1 “recruit” of the game, but we keep taking hits, keep having successes, and we will keep running on the field to play again. Our team will do their job, so we can do ours.

While Ballard may have ended their season, CIT will not end theirs. Just keep watching…..

I hope you are taking the hits and still moving forward. I hope you have had joys to cling to. Call me if you want to chat – or get a quote. I’ll be here, moving forward.

Kim Grzywacz, CTIS

CALL 515-233-0286

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