No Foolin’ About It – We Value You


A new month, a new outlook. I wanted to take this time to thank you. Thank you for your patience as we work through the rebuilding/re-hiring of our staff. Thank you for calling and having a chat. Thank you for being a valued client. We appreciate you. This song is your song. ?


CIT Signature Transportation

Business Management Meeting

John and I attended our first in-person business management meeting last week in Montana. It was good to get together and work ON our business with our #trustedfriendnetwork. Most of the time we are working IN our business, but to grow, you must do the things that will propel you forward.

We work hard, but there is time to enjoy where we are during meal times!

Thank You For Your Patience

Thank you for your patience as we had staff filling roles not normally theirs, and I tried to work from the road. (Connectivity, bouncing vehicle, and reflections on a screen were a bit challenging.)

Women In Buses

A new initiative for Women In Buses is driver recruitment. Click the button below and watch the video. How many drivers are in your family/group photo albums? Have you thought about having a great #viewfromtheoffice?

Drive Force

These are the women of my business management group. Networking is one of the best outcomes of any meeting. They are my “driving force”.



I talked about this collaborative effort across Iowa to grow tourism in previous newsletters. IGTA members voted to transition to this new organization in July. Click on the button and sign up for a virtual town hall to learn more!

iTIP Virtual Town Hall

We are proud to train our entire staff on being on the lookout for human trafficking victims. The video linked below is somber, but discusses the reality of human trafficking from a survivor and how you can make a difference.

You Can Make a Difference

In the News

CERTS Act Update: And we wait. Kim was part of a meeting with the US Treasury Department, Department of Transportation, and FMCSA to discuss the roll-out of the program. They said it would be weeks – not months. There is now a placeholder page on their website. Progress.

In the meantime, there is a lot of news about Infrastructure and how to pay for it. Now is not the time to stop advocating. Here are some articles to keep you informed. These policies will have an effect on us as we travel. How do you want your legislative official to vote?

President Biden unveils his $2 trillion infrastructure plan – here are the details

A gas tax? A mileage tax? Biden wary of user fees to pay for roads, bridges, and highways

Business Roundtable to oppose corporate tax increase to pay for infrastructure

NYC Gets a Green Light From Federal Government for Next Step in Congestion Pricing Plan

Pennsylvania Bus Association opposes tolling of bridges

Get a Quote

Yes, I re-gifted the song. Yes, I re-gifted information to educate you. But, that is part of my gift to you – to get you connected. It is one way I say, “Thank you.”

Want to connect some more? Give me a call!

Kim Grzywacz, CTIS

CALL 515-233-0286


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